
Using Docker

Learn how to run an Avalanche node using Docker.


Before beginning, you must ensure that:

  • Docker is installed on your system
  • You have access to the AvalancheGo repository
  • Docker daemon is running on your machine

You can verify your Docker installation by running:

docker --version

Building the Docker Image

To build the Docker image for the latest avalanchego branch:

  1. Navigate to the project directory
  2. Execute the build script:

This script will create a Docker image containing the latest version of AvalancheGo.

Verifying the Build

After the build completes, verify the image was created successfully:

docker image ls

You should see an image with:

  • Repository: avaplatform/avalanchego
  • Tag: xxxxxxxx (where xxxxxxxx is the shortened commit hash of the source code used for the build)

Running AvalancheGo Node

To start an AvalancheGo node, run the following command:

docker run -ti -p 9650:9650 -p 9651:9651 avaplatform/avalanchego:xxxxxxxx /avalanchego/build/avalanchego

This command:

  • Creates an interactive container (-ti)
  • Maps the following ports:
    • 9650: HTTP API port
    • 9651: P2P networking port
  • Uses the built AvalancheGo image
  • Executes the AvalancheGo binary inside the container

Port Configuration

The default ports used by AvalancheGo are:

  • 9650: HTTP API
  • 9651: P2P networking

Ensure these ports are available on your host machine and not blocked by firewalls.

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Last updated on 1/22/2025

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