Add Validator
Learn how to add a validator to an Avalanche L1.
Add a Validator to an Avalanche L1
avalanche blockchain addValidator <blockchainName>
Choose Network
Choose the network where the operation will be
? Choose a network for the operation:
▸ Local Network
Fuji Testnet
Choose P-Chain Fee Payer
Choose the key that will be used to pay for the transaction fees on the P-Chain.
? Which key should be used to pay for transaction fees on P-Chain?:
▸ Use stored key
Use ledger
Enter Node ID
Enter the NodeID of the node you want to add as a blockchain validator.
✗ What is the NodeID of the node you want to add as a blockchain validator?:
You can find the NodeID in the node's configuration file or the console when first started with avalanchego.
An example of a NodeID is NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg
Enter the BLS Public Key
Enter the public key of the node's BLS
Next, we need the public key and proof of possession of the node's BLS
Check for instructions on calling info.getNodeID API
✗ What is the node's BLS public key?:
You can find the BLS public key in the node's configuration file or the console when first started with avalanchego.
Enter BLS Proof of Possession
Enter the proof of possession of the node's BLS
✗ What is the node's BLS proof of possession?:
You can find the BLS proof of possession in the node's configuration file or the console when first started with avalanchego.
Enter AVAX Balance
This balance will be used to pay the P-Chain continuous staking fee.
✗ What balance would you like to assign to the validator (in AVAX)?:
Enter Leftover AVAX Address
This address will receive any leftover AVAX when the node is removed from the validator set.
? Which key would you like to set as change owner for leftover AVAX if the node is removed from validator set?:
▸ Get address from an existing stored key (created from avalanche key create or avalanche key import)
Enter Disable Validator Address
This address will be able to disable the validator using P-Chain transactions.
Which address do you want to be able to disable the validator using P-Chain transactions?:
▸ Get address from an existing stored key (created from avalanche key create or avalanche key import)
Proof of Stake specific parameters
If your network was created with Proof of Stake validator manager, you will be asked for the following additional parameters. You can also pass these parameters as flags to the command.
--delegation-fee uint16 delegation fee (in bips)
--stake-amount uint amount of native tokens to stake
--staking-period duration how long this validator will be staking
Last updated on 1/22/2025